1% for the Planet

Café du Cycliste is a proud member of 1% for the Planet, that means we give 1% of our annual revenue to charities and organisations who are working to protect the environment and improve and educate in matters of sustainability. Co-founded by Patagonia’s Yvon Chouniard in 2002, the mission to protect the planet’s resources and improve responsibility of corporations around the world has continued to be pursued with increasing membership and funding for those actively looking to protect the environment.

“The intent of 1% for the Planet is to help fund these diverse environmental organizations so that collectively they can be a more powerful source in solving the world’s problems.”

We all have responsibilities on varying scales, and the conversation concerning businesses using the earth’s resources continues to intensify. 1% for the Planet is a step on the path to making our business started on the Côte d’Azur give back to the natural world.

The organisations we are contributing to have been chosen because they reflect our values and DNA.

WINGS OF THE OCEAN: Depollution Crew

Wings of the Ocean acts to protect the oceans through the collection of waste and raise awareness with the public, children, businesses and local elected officials. Intended to protect marine biodiversity and the natural ecosystem of the coasts, the group carries out depollution and education activity in France and in Europe. Since its creation in 2018, they have collected more than 99,000 kilos of waste. Wings of the Ocean also supports the initiatives of companies and individuals who are working to find alternatives to the consumption of plastic.


Bleu Gorgone works for the preservation of the Mediterranean marine environment. The organization conducts underwater dives to collect waste in natural environments as well as in port areas.
On average each year, volunteers retrieve, sort, and account for 30 cubic meters of waste. Awareness is also a key focus: sea outings, information and prevention booths, and the exploration of underwater depths. Its main area of action spans from Nice to Cap d'Ail. Its motto: 'Cleaning up and discovering will be the best way to protect


4MYPLANET was founded by Alexia Barrier and works to advance science, in particular the study of the climate and the oceans. The organisation also works closely with schools in the south of France to educate children about the protection of the oceans.


Trail Runner Foundation is an association promoting the protection of nature and eco-responsible behaviurs, on a daily basis, particularly in the practice of running, walking or hiking in the natural environment.


Mountain Riders is an ecological transition education association. They encourage children and young people to become the drivers of change, by inviting them to engage in a responsible approach, by involving citizens and elected officials in the implementation of responsible measures to preserve the mountains.


Cyclotrope is a cycling and bike maintenance school which aims to encourage the practice of cycling for everyone on a daily basis in Nice and its surroundings. Cyclotrope sets up activities and workshops to learn to ride a bike, travel independently and safely by bicycle, and offers repair workshops to support participants to do small repairs themselves.