The best charcuterie in the world
The best charcuterie in the world is, quite naturally, found in Corsica.

The best charcuterie in the world is served in the only restaurant attached to the only auberge that is open during the off season in Porto Centuri, an idyllic fishing village at the end of a tiny road, three kilometers below the D80 that circumnavigates Cap Corse.

The best charcuterie in the world comes on an enormous silver platter, with coppa, prissutu, lonzu and figatelli neatly over-lapping and counted out so no-one leaves the table disappointed.
The best charcuterie in the world is sniffed out by hungry cyclists halfway around their tour du Cap Corse with as much fervour as the chasseurs who hunted the unique cross-bred pigs in the wild mountains of the island that serve the animals a healthy, chestnut-filled, organic diet.

The best charcuterie in the world is served by a woman with a gentle smile who was widowed two years ago and seemingly takes great pleasure in serving four hungry rouleurs even though her kitchen closed half an hour ago.
The best charcuterie in the world is a product of salting, air-curing, smoking, and cave-ageing chestnut-fed pork, using the same methods passed down since time immemorial.

The best charcuterie in the world dissolves the only worry of a long-weekend of riding between fathers and sons and fuels the ride down the best coast road in the world into the sunset at Nonza Bay.
Read more about the perfect soul food for cycling in our the best of series.