Michele Boscacci
I’m from Albosaggia in Lombardia and started skiing at the age of six. My father, Graziano, was a professional so naturally I followed in his tracks. He used to pull me along by a rope for practice. I really inherited his passion for the mountains and skiing early on, going to watch him race, enthralled by the landscapes, the atmosphere and the racing. I took part in my first races at the age of 14, which led to being selected to race for Italy, in 2008, a year after my father retired from the national team. Dad still trains with me and races now and then. He is very much central to my coaching, advising me as a professional skimo racer.
Skimo (or ski mountaineering) will become an Olympic event in 2026, and it’s taking place here in Italy. Of course, this is something I’m very focussed towards, but I’m perhaps a little too old for the sprint discipline which this will be. For the explosive power you need, the younger guys are usually better, but we shall see. I’m just happy to be competing in the beautiful mountains.
Of course, winning is a special feeling, but as long as the vibe is right and I’m enjoying it, that’s all I need. 2022 has been a good year for me, winning at Pierra Menta for the third time, and becoming world champion. It was also fantastic to see Alba [Michele’s wife and fellow Caravan athlete] win Patrouille des Glaciers this year. Especially as I finished in second place there in my race!
Alongside skiing, my other passion has been MTB and now road riding. Again, my father brought me into this sport during the summer months when we cannot ski. I use riding my bike as pre-season training, and some summers would only ride my mountain bike. No running or anything else… Now I mix running and riding with high intensity workouts. I won a vertical running event recently, but I will leave the Ultra Marathon events for now. But the bike is the most fun, of course. I’m going to compete in some hill races in the Dolomites as I usually do quite well. I also train with Alba a lot on the bike; it allows us to spend time together and have fun whilst still ‘working’ at our own pace. We also run a farm together, including 23 cows and a bee colony.
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Wo ich fahre?
Ich fahre gerne in den Dolomiten und manchmal fahre ich Bergauf-Rennen, wie zum Beispiel am Stilfser Joch oder an den Gavia-Pässen. Auch für Downhill-Mountainbiking sind die Dolomiten eine schöne Gegend.

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Was ich fahre?
Ich bin mit Mountainbiking aufgewachsen, nehme aber als Bestandteil des Trainings an Wettbewerben teil und betreibe Straßenradsport aus Spaß. Ich trainiere auch viel mit Alba auf dem Rad. Das ermöglicht uns, Zeit miteinander zu verbringen und Spaß zu haben, während wir immer noch in unserem eigenen Tempo „arbeiten“.

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Warum ich fahre?
Neben dem Skifahren war schon immer das Mountainbiking meine andere große Leidenschaft und jetzt auch der Straßenradsport. Wieder hat mich mein Vater in den Sommermonaten, wenn wir nicht Ski fahren können, an diesen Sport herangeführt. Ich nutze den Radsport als Training vor der Saison, und so manche Sommer bin ich nur Mountainbike gefahren.

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