When you’re out in the mountains there are moments of great solitude, but also great encounters with like-minded souls. The runners of the UTCAM – the Ultra Trail Côte d’Azur Mercantour – are some of those people.

Now in its tenth year, the event takes place in between the Mediterranean Sea and the mountains of the Mercantour National Park in the deep backcountry – the same open-air playground in which we ride, hike and explore.

The 2024 edition, which takes place from 21-23 June, comprises six distances, from a ‘vertical’ 5km through 10km, a 30km Skyrace (part of the Skyrunner World Series), 50km and 75km courses and the big daddy 125km (which can be done as a relay in a team of two). The team behind the event hold similar values of exploration, community and respect for the delicate balance of the natural world that means so much to us all, which is why we’re supporting the UTCAM across all distances this year.

Partnering with UTCAM is an opportunity to share our love of the mountains and enjoy the challenging trails, beautiful villages and the spectacular natural setting. It’s also an excuse to put on our Alix Technical Tank (for men and women) and our Anna Trail Shorts (Vaiana for women) and compete. Don’t forget your cap!

While the 125km race starts in Monaco for an epic challenge that heads deep into the mountains, most of the shorter races start and finish in the picturesque town of Saint-Martin-Vésubie. All except the Vertical 5km, which heads straight up from Monaco to the roman ruins of La Turbie.

The different events are designed to give a progressive series of challenges depending on your experience and your level. They’re all awesome challenges in their own right, taking to the crests and peaks of the Mercantour: the 30km Skyrace, for example, climbs to almost 2,700m above sea level!

The Mercantour National Park is one of the wildest places in France, with strict controls on activities within its borders, and both Café du Cycliste and the UTCAM are serious about the ecological impact of our activities. As part of our 1% For The Planet commitment, we support the Trail Runner Foundation, which works to promote an eco-friendly vision of trail sports.

UTCAM, meanwhile, also works with Trail Runner Foundation, and runs its events in a spirit of respect for the environment and harmony with the natural world, taking concrete steps like recycling signposting materials and organising a big trail clean-up after the race.

If we all do our bit – and then some – we can hope to be forever outsiders now and in the future.
Check out the UTCAM site for more info, or find out more about all our our 10 partner events for 2024.