The best daube de sanglier in the world
The best daube de sanglier in the world can only be from France and, more particularly, is from the region of Provence.
![The best daube de sanglier in the world](
The best daube de sanglier can be found (if you have the contacts) in a maison de chasse located in a remote terroir in the foothills of Mont Ventoux.
The best daube de sanglier has been in the oven for more than five hours, more time than you have been in the saddle that day and with more ingredients than you have smelt as you breeze through the gardens of Provence.
![The best daube de sanglier in the world](
The best daube de sanglier is what you needed to heat you on the descent of the northern side of the Ventoux in -2 degrees temperatures, as fatigue from the climb tightens legs that are performing a balancing act against the snow and ice underneath..
The best daube de sanglier is at the end of a long gravel chemin, which comes at the end of a never-ending liaison through the darkness after the longest day of the Rallye Monte-Vélo.
![The best daube de sanglier in the world](
![The best daube de sanglier in the world](
The best daube de sanglier is served in a room where the local hunting regulations are pinned to a notice board and where photos of previous chasses from the past 30 years remind you of a national past-time that holds many rural French communities together..
The best daube de sanglier is served with a carafe of red wine whose origin and status is, quite frankly, inconsequential. The bread, on the other hand, is still important enough to cause a revolution if it’s wrong.
![The best daube de sanglier in the world](
The best daube de sanglier is served with delicate attention by gentil giant, Gaetan, wielding a hunting knife bigger and better than Crocodile Dundee’s..
The best daube de sanglier is followed by a digestif of the strongest home-made liquor distilled from an unknown French fruit picked from the local terroir way back in 1957..
The best daube de sanglier is a wild dish, served in a wild location to a group of wild pioneers who committed to a wild idea.
Read more about the perfect soul food for cycling in our the best of series.