Shorts Stories : Marinette

Since their inception over five years ago, Marinette haven’t stopped riding. Built to perform day in day out, they are designed to ride and ride. And ride and ride. And then ride some more.

Our ‘flagship’ in the bib shorts fleet, they’ve ridden across continents, up to the highest peaks, and down low on the hottest highways. And then they’ve ridden some more.

Marinette haven’t stopped riding. They’ve been close to home and far, far away. They’ve seen the world and more than lived to tell the tale.

These shorts have found back-roads and byways, lost tracks and ridgeways. They’ve been raced across multiple maps and disappeared into the distance.

Marinette haven’t stopped riding.

They’ve explored some of the most beautiful villages in France in the heat of the summer and climbed the Giant of Provence far too many times to mention. (Why do they always want more?)

They’ve conquered cols, traversed the territories of Texas and gone searching for the best croissant(s) in London.

They’ve punched out one hour when that was all that that was permitted, been pushed inside, outside and unfortunately upside down.

And they’ve even been shown on the silver screen at Cannes film festival in an award-winning feature.


With version two, then, comes a whole new chapter (or ten).

Not just from best to even better, with a premium chamois and new integrated gripper design. But from a quiet determination to make more from even less.

Less water in the process due to reuse, less greenhouse gas emission due to prior treatment. More comfort, more performance, more durability. More planet.

Constructed using a mix of recycled and recyclable fabrics and unique enhanced biodegradation yarns, the new Marinette were conceived to ensure that maximum impact is made out on the road.

Built to perform day in day out, they are designed to ride and ride. And ride and ride. And then ride some more.

Marinette won’t stop riding.

Further Riding