Looking back I definitely loved the finals sprints, but being nervous in the starting gate, the pain and the long car rides to all those races is something I don’t miss.
Since I was a sprinter and not a mountain goat, I always rode up front in the peloton before climbs to make sure I did’t loose touch with the field during the uphill.
It was the same for this particular day, this particular race.

The pace was slow, we were chatting during the ride and then, suddenly, „boom“.
I regained consciousness in the ambulance later. It was surprising, that I couldn't remember anything about the fall and what happened to me in any way.
The other racers told me that I was buried under many girls and that I was the only one left lying on the ground while the others were able to ride on.
I was lucky, I came away with only a concussion. I did not pause and was back on the bike the day after the crash.
I still love to challenge myself and I still have a training plan. But today I no longer train for the podium.
Because I am not a number.